Cornerstone Kids Preschool - CKP License # C11MD0177 - Phone: (305) 235-6654
Cornerstone Kids Preschool - CKP License # C11MD0177 - Phone: (305) 235-6654
Cornerstone Kids Preschool (CKP) is a mission & ministry of Cornerstone United Methodist Church ("Cornerstone Church"). As a protestant Christian congregation, our preschool expresses symbols of the Christian faith in each of our rooms and throughout our program:
* A 6-inch small wooden free-standing cross is in each classroom.
* A Children’s Bible and a variety of other Christian books are in each library.
* The Lead Teacher and her Assistant use a child’s devotional book “God and Me” daily.
* Occasional Christian scripture verses and posters on Bulletin Boards.
* A daily prayer of thanks is said with our children before snacks & lunch.
* Songs of praise to God can be heard sung by CKP children in Chapel and in our classrooms.
* Children attend a 20-minute Chapel with Pastor Elyse weekly.
Lead teachers lead in prayer with the children each day for a safe and happy morning and children’s Bibles are used in our classrooms as a connection to the Bible story that is shared in Chapel that week. CKP uses the cross as a Christian Symbol during our Circle/Assembly Times, letting children know that Jesus loves them.